The REAL Cost of House ReStumping

Want to know how much it'll REALLY cost to restump your house? Read on..

We understand the unwanted cost of foundation repairs.

The house foundations needing repairs is likely something you’ve known about for a while. Perhaps you’re unsure how serious the issue is, or how much it’s going to end up costing you.

While researching estimates online you may have seen come across various price ranges, such as’s range of $5,000 to $20,000 for house restumping. Such a wide range that it ceases to be very helpful. 

Like most, you’re probably looking for the best reblocking deal out there. However, It’s wise to be skeptical of the lowest quoted figures. These can often include non-specialist or less experienced workers performing critical foundation work with little oversight, and may lead to costly mistakes and additional problems down the line.

When it comes to your home’s foundation, investing in quality work from a specialist can end up saving you significant money and stress in the long term.

Ok, I’m Ready to Re-stump My House with a Specialist…

But What’s It Going to Cost?

It will cost at least $8,000 if you need to replace the house stumps. Most of the house restumping jobs we do come in at $12,000 – $15,000. It can cost more than that though.

For example, an extra $3,000 – $6,000 if all the floorboards need removal due to access. There’s also the possibility some of the subfloors will need completely rebuilding, which could easily add another few thousand to the overall cost to the repairs.

Maybe you’re lucky, and only a small number of stumps need replacing. Costing you less than you thought.
Ultimately, the final price depends on the size of the restumping project and the intricacies involved in replacing the stumps of the house.

The largest expense is the labour required to do the job properly. Our team is made up of only highly experienced foundation experts that have been doing this for well over two decades.

If you want to know exactly how much it’s going to cost you personally to restump your house, you should get arrange a free inspection of your foundations. We will accurately assess the condition and determine the repair requirements. We’ll then be able to provide you with exact costing for your house restumping project.

Beware homeowners

There are a few contractors out there offering to re-stump your house under $7,000, which may seem like a bargain price. But here’s always a catch, many of them aren’t registered builders and their work may not even be insured.

House foundations isn’t the place to cut costs.

We’ve heard quite a number of horror stories over the years. Mostly from homeowners who unfortunately hired subpar contractors to restump their older property. Often thinking they were getting a great deal. But instead, ending up with even more problems just a few years later.

It’s a job that’s worth doing right; the first time. Everything above it depends on it.

Now, here’s the silver lining, you don’t have to worry about any of this with us.

My name is Bruce, and I’m the director of Able Reblocking Specialists.

As a registered builder for over 30 years and owner-operator of Able Reblocking Specialists for 25 years, you could say I’ve been re-stumping houses in Melbourne longer than most contractors around.

With that experience comes a certain knowledge. Such as understanding the types of houses built in different eras and the foundation materials used, while being aware of the soil types in different areas of Melbourne and how to best address common and complex structural challenges.

The houses that we re-stumped 25 years ago, using the technique of replace the old rotting timber stumps with new solid concrete steel reinforced stumps, I can confidently say they are still holding up today – without issue. That’s a timeline most contractors don’t have—a hindsight that only comes with age and experience.

Our team has many years of experience providing foundation repairs, with hundreds of successful jobs completed all over Melbourne. We’re as solid as a rock, offering affordable yet top-notch workmanship, using only the best techniques. Plus, we back our work with a 10-year guarantee, so you can relax knowing your investment is safe.

Don’t stay in the dark

..know exactly how much restumping your house is going to cost you.

We offer a free inspection and give you friendly, no-bull advice so you can make a smart choice about your home—the biggest investment you’ve got. Let us help you keep it safe, stable, and standing strong.

Contact Able Reblocking Specialists to Arrange a Free House Foundations Assessment Complete with an – Obligation Free Quote.  Call Bruce on 0418 329 309.